Magdalena Zuraswski

MAGDALENA ZURAWSKI writes of herself "I was born in Newark NJ and grew up in Edison NJ but Providence RI feels like my hometown more than any place else because that's where I started having sex and meeting poets and being a real person in a real world. I went to Brown and got a B.A. in Comparative Literature. I studied as a Fulbright scholar in Berlin Germany and I got an M.A. from Temple in Creative Writing. I taught high school but now I am waiting tables so that I can finish my novel, THE BRUISE. I will read from my novel at Lady Fest. My major poetic influences are Jack Spicer, Bruce Springsteen and Immanuel Kant (but only the 3rd critique). Early Bruce Springsteen albums make me happier than anything on earth (well, as happy as really really good poetry readings).

About my novel: THE WOUND is a bildungsroman told from a female point of view, i.e. portrait of the artist as a young woman. It's my first book"

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